The Annual Minnesota Crossing For a Good Cause!
Registration Opens February 1st and closes May 31st, or when full
Limit of 30 Riders.
Almost everyone’s life is touched by cancer in one way or another. Great strides have been and are being made in combating these diseases. It is the objective of RideMN1 to carry this positive message across Minnesota to provide support and hope. We conduct an annual bicycle ride across Minnesota to convey this message by providing a healthy fundraising event that is geared to the participants while involving all communities.
RideMN1 Inc. is a federally recognized 501(c)3 Non-Profit Corporation. No Fundraising Required – We are an educational nonprofit. We accept donations and our selected benefactor is the National Cancer Institute – the largest funder of cancer research in the world.
2025 Awareness & Fundraising Ride
Our ride will begin in Karlstad on Saturday, September 6th, and end in Two Harbors on Saturday, September 13th, 2025. The main route covers 390 miles over seven days of riding. Additionally, most riders will choose to start with an optional 30-mile ride from Drayton, North Dakota—actually, from Robbin, Minnesota, on the Red River—to Karlstad on Saturday, September 6th.
This all-inclusive ride includes all meals, camping/lodging, luggage transport, and SAG (Support and Gear) services. This year, we will stay in motels on Sunday in Warroad and Wednesday in Orr. Note that there will be no showers available on Saturday night in Karlstad.
We will also offer motor coach service on Saturday morning, transporting riders from Bemidji to Karlstad/Robbin, and returning to Bemidji from Two Harbors at the conclusion of the ride.
Please contact us if you would like to be on our Newsletter (3 annually) distribution list, or if you have any questions, at RideMN1@gmail.com
We need you to help us in spreading the news – We are winning, we are biking to end cancer. Join us for a tour you will not forget!
The following Alex Elle quote exemplifies our mission – “Surround yourself with people who add value to your life. Who challenges you to be greater than you were yesterday. Who sprinkle magic into your existence, just like you do to theirs. Life isn’t meant to be done alone. Find your tribe, and journey freely and loyally together.”
RideMN1 Is A Different Bike Tour
- Looking for something different and unique – you have found us!
- RideMN1 is the ONLY bike tour that crosses Minnesota, no circles for us – we are on a mission!
RideMN1 is a non profit that does NOT require fundraising – We are an Awareness Organization.
RideMN1 provides ALL meals and hot showers – we are ALL Inclusive.
We ARE different – You will know everyone’s name, You will become a member of ‘Our Tribe’, You will be a Messenger – We are Winning, and We Will Not Stop! “

Need A Ride to the Start and at the End
Bus Service Available
Bus Service is available to the start point Karlstad/Robbin on Saturday 9/6/25 and back from Two Harbors on Saturday 9/13/25.
The bus pickup point will be in Bemidji, Minnesota with departure at 10 AM Saturday 9/6/25.
Please see details on the ‘Bus Service to the Start and End Point’ dropdown under ‘Additional Ride Details’. Reserve your spot by signing up on the Registration Page.

Ways to Participate
You can participate in several different ways. Our Ride is designed for the complete State Crossing but we have optional daily participation- beginning with the opening Sunday ride.
Also, individual Riders and Guests may join us for any part of our journey – Please use our “Ala Cart /Daily Rate” form participation options.
Route & Dates
The Daily Start and End points are fixed. However, detailed Daily Routes and Mileages are subject to change.
September 6th – September 13th, 2025
Date Day Ride Route Miles 9/6/2025 Sat Optional Warmup - Red River to Karlsatd 30 9/7/2025 Sun Karlstad to Warroad 68 9/8/2025 Mon Warroad to Baudette 42 9/9/2025 Tue Baudette to Littlefork 68 9/10/2025 Wed Littlefork to Orr 56 9/11/2025 Thu Orr to Side Lake 47 9/12/2025 Fri Side Lake to Hoyt Lakes 57 9/13/2025 Sat Hoyt Lakes to Two Harbors 54 7 Days 392 Miles Total *422 Miles W/Optional Warmup
Karlsatd – Warroad – Baudette – Littlefork – Orr – Side Lake – Hoyt Lakes – Two Harbors
ALL Route Roads are paved. The map below is an approximation.
Ride Details – 7 Day Event
7 Days of Riding- About 50 miles per day
- 7 Days of Riding
- 5 Nights Camping and 2 Nights Motelling
- Hot Showers Every Night – except Karlstad
- 21 Meals
- Gear and Equipment Transport
- Daily Route Maps Hardcopy and Internet
- Marked Route
- Gear and Equipment Transport
- SAG Support
- Travelling Porta Potty
Additional Ride Details
For More Information, Please Click On the Following Items
RideMN1 will provide all meals beginning the night of Saturday September 6th in Karlstad – 21 meals in all.
Most meals are at local cafes and restaurants where we engage with the local communities. Usually participants ‘order off the menu’ but occasionally we will arrange a preplanned meal. We try consider diversified appetites (vegan) to the extent possible.
SAG & Gear Transport:
RideMN1 will provide SAG support by transporting broke down Riders and bicycles to the scheduled day’s ride end. We will work with those affected to repair their bikes and depending upon availability of volunteers and location, we MAY be able to call upon one of the Bike Shops in the area.
Luggage Transportation – 80 LB Limit. ‘Bags’ must be 40 LBs or less.
We encourage Riders to pack spare parts – like inner tubes. You will not need a tire pump as all Volunteers will have pumps for your use. With a 80 LB weight limit, Riders have the option of packing a few more ‘comforts’. Please put an ID tag/marking on all your bags. If you have any questions, please contact us
Waiver Form
- A ‘typical waiver form is available to view.
download this waiver form and bring it to the Ride. We will have copies available and most Riders get the form at our Pre Ride Banquet, sign and give it back.A signed Waiver Form is required. - No exceptions will be permitted!
Bus Service to the Start and End Point
Luxury motor coach service to the Start Point and back from the End Point is available.
Due to the one way feature of our event, we understand the logistical challenge presented to participants. Some Participants arrange transportation to the Start and pickup at the Finish.
RideMN1 will arrange for a motor coach to transport to the start point and back to their vehicles at the finish. The fee for this service is $160. Saturday 9/6/25 at 10 AM we will depart from Bemidji Minnesota.
At the Ride’s conclusion, we will transport those same participants from Two Harbors back to their vehicles.
The cost for Motor Coach Service is $160.
- RIDERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN SAFETY. This is a road ride with a significant portion being on roads with little or no paved shoulder. Helmets, tail lights and mirrors are required (headlights are recommended).
Cancellation information:
Cancel before June 1st – cancellation Fee = $ 200.00
June 1st – August 1st – cancellation Fee = $ 400.00
After August 1st 1st No Refund
Please Note: Trip Insurance is available from numerous sources via the internet.
Sightseeing & Points of Interest:
- List will be added at a later time
- Registration closes June 1st or when full (30 Rider Limit)
- RideMN1 will provide 21 meals and 5 night camping and 2 nights in motel rooms. We will have showers at all campgrounds except for Karlstad. Riders may choose other accommodations (motel, RV, other) and other dining options, but no Entry Fee reduction will be made.
- We will transport up to 80 lbs. of gear per Rider (limit bag weight to 40 lbs.).
- Daily hard copy maps will be provided. Online mapping will be available @ RidewithGPS.com.
- Riders have the option of using the Bus Service to get to the Starting Point (in Karlstad) and back from the End Point (in Two Harbors). The Bus Service pickup and dropoff point is Bemidji MN. Please see the “Bus Service to the Start and End Point” drop down above for more details. Participants wanting to use the Bus Service sign up and pay at registration.
- A signed waiver form at the event start is required. We will have copies available at the start.
- Individual daily participation is encouraged. We have set fees to accommodate all Participants. Please click on the button below to see our Ala Carte options.
- We need Volunteers. You will need your own vehicle to traverse the route and you will eat and camp as Riders. Our Board Members are active Volunteers and will provide guidance for you.
Register and pay for the full ride.
Register and pay for individual/multiple days.
For more information please contact RideMN1 directly at
ridemn1@gmail.com or (218) 678-2194.
RideMN1 Inc. (Tax ID# 81-2789808) benefits several organizations dedicated to developing cures for cancer each of which is a nonprofit, public benefit corporation recognized as tax exempt under IRS Code 501(c)(3). Donations to RideMN1 are deductible for income tax purposes, to the extent permitted by law.
RideMN1 is a Member of the Minnesota Council of Non Profits and the League of American Bicyclists, and KAXE Radio.
We appreciate all those who give their time to our event. You will have a great time and we thank you for your commitment to help making our event a success. We couldn’t do it without you!
We need volunteer support to conduct a successful event.
* All volunteers are required to have their own vehicle to traverse the complete route. *
Volunteers will camp, dine and snack with the participants.
Please contact RideMN1 at Ridemn1@gmail.com or (218) 678-2194 if you are interested in volunteering.
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